Second chance is a beginning. Sounds strange? Let’s go back in time. When did you realise that you had missed a golden opportunity? When you had already missed it? We tend to say, “I should had”, “that was the right time”, “I missed it” etc, etc. If you have ever said it, remember my friend that, while you regret you are at the verge of missing the second chance, if appropriate action is not taken. The very fact of ‘realising’, in itself is an opportunity to make good the loss. Realization is essential and it precedes actions. Let’s go back to the first opportunity. You couldn’t grab it for some reason; you missed it and had to face some loss. Correct? Of course yes or else you wouldn’t have bothered to think about it. So what’s gone with time will not return; essentially in the same form. It is wise not to expect – the ditto; but to encash the second chance. In our day-to-day routine you may not have exercised last week. Does that stop you from exercising next week? ...
During course of the day, some moments leave a mark. These moments are translated as blogs. Blogs that can connect, make you think, make you read and make you come back for more again and again.