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Showing posts with the label Life

Someone Special

Someone special brings a smile to my face, tears in my eyes, fills my heart with joy and casts away my fears. Sounds like a dream? Sweet 16 talk? Or a scene from a romantic movie. Whatever, the case be, you want to experience such kind of moments again and again. A perfect moment. Far beyond our expectations, while we are too busy in our lives, working hard towards creating moments, craft happiness, life goes on. People come; people go. Isn't it? Some people become a part of our happy times and few a reason for those moments. How often do we appreciate their presence? How often are we thankful? How often do we reciprocate? How often do we remember them? A special person can be our parents, sibling, teacher, mentor, friend, co-worker or an unknown person, at some point in time they were there for us. They created special moments for us. It may not have been the same as in novels or movies, that doesn't mean they didn't exist. The problem is that our thoughts are influenced...

In The World of Digits - Two Zero One Eight

We are born and surrounded by digits; we live in the world of digits. They give us hope, they give us pain. They play tricks and change the game. After results are declared, digits can change the future. At the month end digits as sales-figure matter. Digits… a way to gain and lose weight. Digits is also… days left, till we meet again. More the digits in bank account, luxury becomes affordable all around.  Increasing digits make you wise and sensible.  Without digit life seems impossible. In digits we lie (ten mins away). In digits we shine (99 %). In digits we measure success (30% pay raise). In digital we celebrate (1 st , 18 th , 50 th , 75 th  birthday). With digits we connect better (binary language). With digits we increase in numbers… As you read and realise the world of digits we live in; please make a note of upcoming ‘Two Zero One Eight’ (2018). Make resolutions, make the most of it. With new hope, energy and positiv...

Let’s find you!

You are lost my dear friend, come let’s find you; Burdened you are with responsibilities somewhere, come let’s find you. Lost in the rat race you are, come let’s find you; Lonely in the crowd you might be, come let’s find you. Aligning, suffering silently you might be fighting somewhere, come let’s find you; Focused you are achieving your goals, in success, we will find you. Happy with the world around, in joy, we will find you; In this journey called life, we will surely find you.

When I Lost You

When I lost you, I was lost. Since then, life has been a catastrophe. I had expected it but, no amount of preparation prepared me to face it. Few more days, few more hours, and those three magical words; expectations haven’t come to an end to date; I fight with God every day. For the world, years hav e passed and memories have faded but my heart whimpers with each passing day. I lost you, to find…that you are so important to me, that I am so madly in love with you, that your love made me what I was and what I am today! I lost you but in me, you live today! In the way I act, in the manner I react, my thoughts guarded and decisions guided, it’s not me, it’s all you. Now I know…when I lost you, a part of me became you!

Take a Look

Take a look at people around you. They all are so different but at the same time have some commonality. Let me share my perspective. I see three categories (broadly) – intellectual, not so intellectual and ignorant. Intellectual are those who listen to all, intently and do what their heart says. Decision taking is independent and not influenced. They reflect pride and arrogance in certain levels. Not so intellectual, are the ones that get influenced by the intellectual ones and take pride of being superior when with ignorant ones. They are the strugglers. Ignorant ones are blessed. They are neutral with either of the above. They listen, give their opinion and take decisions, sometimes under influence or independently. They do not compete nor do they doubt others. So as I was identifying and allocating…I found myself right in front of…..a mirror…..hahaha…..yes, I asked myself, Who am I? May be all three, at some point of time! What about you?

Second Chance

Second chance is a beginning. Sounds strange? Let’s go back in time. When did you realise that you had missed a golden opportunity? When you had already missed it? We tend to say, “I should had”, “that was the right time”, “I missed it” etc, etc. If you have ever said it, remember my friend that, while you regret you are at the verge of missing the second chance, if appropriate action is not taken. The very fact of ‘realising’, in itself is an opportunity to make good the loss. Realization is essential and it precedes actions. Let’s go back to the first opportunity. You couldn’t grab it for some reason; you missed it and had to face some loss. Correct? Of course yes or else you wouldn’t have bothered to think about it. So what’s gone with time will not return; essentially in the same form. It is wise not to expect – the ditto; but to encash the second chance. In our day-to-day routine you may not have exercised last week. Does that stop you from exercising next week? ...


When you hear the word 'touch' .....what is the first thing that comes to your mind?  Note it, and for awhile keep that thought aside. 1. The most frequent word that is associated with touch these days is.... touch screen phones.  We are bombarded with ads on television, hoarding, fact every mode of communication that features them. You are definitely a gadget freak if you thought of phones. 2. Touching feet of idols, cows, elders or gurus. Shows your inclined towards religion and culture. 3. Touch to express feelings. Very strong and effective mode of communication. Warm hug from a loved one....most comforting. 4. Touch to thrash someone! Not many of us would associate the word touch with, for sure... A word is capable of giving birth to numerous thoughts? Words are conceived in our minds to become thoughts.Every second....without fail. These thoughts can either be constructive or destructive. Our choice makes a huge difference. Mind your th...