The world has come to a state of nowhere, almost. Somebody, somewhere triggered the spread of the deadly virus which is growing and eliminating mankind. The catastrophe has highlighted the state of migrants in India and world-over. In India migrants travel 100s of kilometres on foot to find a job that fulfils their basic need – food. They move as per the season – tourist season, construction, monsoon…..and so on. They keep moving. Unfortunately in spite of regular interstate movement, they are hand to mouth. In this world of poor & plenty, they move from one destination to another. So, while they walk 200, 300 kms on a regular basis their food, shelter and rest is taken care at Dhabaas , definitely not for free. They earn their roti by working at the Dhaabas . No work, no income, so as the tradition goes they want to move to a new destination. This time it is called ‘home’. To return home is their only wish during COVID-19. As we know during normalcy ...
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