A couple of days ago my mother was remembering her mother. She shared a number of instances bringing alive the era of the early 90s. Back then the number of siblings was never less than two. In some cases, they would be in double digits. More than nine kids around? A word best describes the scene at home – Chaos. Or complete chaos? Imagine the youngest crying for food and eldest pleading for sound sleep. The relation of the eldest with the youngest. The varied activities of every child - one crawling or trying to walk, another in school and the eldest preparing for higher studies. The early 90s as a parent seems mind-boggling. Though the culture of joint family prevailed it seems there was never an end to raising kids. As in the case of my grandparents, they had eight children, yes eight! By the time their youngest became a toddler the eldest became a parent. Which was then followed by the rest of their children. My grandmom after raising her kids raised her grandchildren. B...
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