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Sam, Indu, Krissh and I met through a carpool app. We carpool to work. Our office hours & location is the same. We work in a different organization but in the same business park. It’s been almost two years since we are pooling.

I have noticed, with every passing year Mumbai traffic is becoming bad to worse, and so is the work pressure. It competes with the increasing Mumbai traffic.

To beat the traffic we leave before traffic wakes up. But evenings are….. I have to mention about monsoon. Monsoons bring relief from the rising temperature but at the same time, it terrorizes us. Flooding, road closure and kilometers of jams. Sometimes I feel I spend my precious time in the traffic. And rest of the time I think I live my life in Mumbai traffic. Luckily, KIS (Krish, Indu, and Sam) keeps me entertained and going. I find my work-life balance in Mumbai traffic.
Image courtesy Pixabay

I work till 6 pm so does KIS. My office environment is vibrant and demanding. Thanks to our corporate communications team who help us deal with work pressure. They are super enthusiastic, innovative and full of ideas. Today we were asked to wear pink or red. The work floor looked like a beautiful rose garden. On our desk was a blank card. We had to write a message. The theme was environment .i.e. our mother nature. We were given 10 mins to write. I am not a natural at it. Ten minutes without the help of goggle was an impossible task for me. So I didn’t think hard. I wrote:

You are. Hence I am. You are my friend & companion.
You are loved and you too shower love – the sun, rain, stars & moon.
With you I am. I am because you are.
Thank you Mother Nature.

The day passed well and just before the closing, I was declared as the winner. My message was described as thoughtful, intense and written from the bottom of my heart. I was very happy, after many years I had won. 

Krish was leaving the office at 6:30, I decided to wait. Sam & Preet couldn’t join, one had a date and another had a teleconference.  

Krish was waiting in the car at the pickup point. He looked surprised. He looked sad. The moment I sat in the car he asked, “Where is your date?” My witty reply was, “With me!”   He looked at the lovely roses and the gift bag, his eyebrows raised and stayed there for a while, before they relaxed. Oh! Now, I could connect dots – roses, gift, and date. Simple logic on Valentine’s day.

Image courtesy Pixabay
Once I became comfortable in the car, I opened the gift box and shared the chocolates, appreciated the gift and smiled without reason. I was childlike happy.
Krish hesitantly asked, “what's up….. roses & gift? Finally found….love of your life?” I burst out laughing. After a few minutes, I narrated the sequence of events that made me so happy. All excited Krish asked me to recite my award-winning message. So here I was, in the middle of traffic jam reading the card like an accomplished poet.

You are
Hence, I am
You are my friend & companion
You are loved
& you too shower love – sun, rain, stars, and moon
With you I am
I am because you are
Love Radha, always!

Suddenly silence engulfed us. We moved through streets, heavy traffic, and highway for almost two hours, without uttering a single word.

At my drop point, just before stepping out of the car, we both hurriedly said in unison, “ Happy Valentine’s Day” and murmured in unison “I Love you”.

Our eyes met before I shut the door. We hesitantly smiled and I quickly moved towards the footpath. At that very moment, I realized…

I truly spend my precious time in Mumbai’s traffic.
I live my life in Mumbai traffic.

With the one I love, my friend my companion in sun and rains with starts and moon. With him I am
I am because he is…..

My social media status since then is #LoveMumbaiTraffic


Pr@Gun said…
That's a cute & unique love story with traffic which I'm sure many shares but don't realise.
imnmore said…
Thanks for the comment Pragun. Surely it is. Infact, daily commuters can take good advantage of Mumbai traffic.

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