Take a look at people around you. They all are so different but at the same time have some commonality. Let me share my perspective. I see three categories (broadly) – intellectual, not so intellectual and ignorant. Intellectual are those who listen to all, intently and do what their heart says. Decision taking is independent and not influenced. They reflect pride and arrogance in certain levels. Not so intellectual, are the ones that get influenced by the intellectual ones and take pride of being superior when with ignorant ones. They are the strugglers. Ignorant ones are blessed. They are neutral with either of the above. They listen, give their opinion and take decisions, sometimes under influence or independently. They do not compete nor do they doubt others. So as I was identifying and allocating…I found myself right in front of…..a mirror…..hahaha…..yes, I asked myself, Who am I? May be all three, at some point of time! What about you?
During course of the day, some moments leave a mark. These moments are translated as blogs. Blogs that can connect, make you think, make you read and make you come back for more again and again.