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Take a Look

Take a look at people around you. They all are so different but at the same time have some commonality. Let me share my perspective. I see three categories (broadly) – intellectual, not so intellectual and ignorant. Intellectual are those who listen to all, intently and do what their heart says. Decision taking is independent and not influenced. They reflect pride and arrogance in certain levels. Not so intellectual, are the ones that get influenced by the intellectual ones and take pride of being superior when with ignorant ones. They are the strugglers. Ignorant ones are blessed. They are neutral with either of the above. They listen, give their opinion and take decisions, sometimes under influence or independently. They do not compete nor do they doubt others. So as I was identifying and allocating…I found myself right in front of…..a mirror…..hahaha…..yes, I asked myself, Who am I? May be all three, at some point of time! What about you?

Knowledge is Power

The famous quote by Sir Francis Bacon - 'Knowledge is Power' is taken literally by many. They need to be reminded.....'In vain have you acquired knowledge if you have not imparted it to others.' - Deuteronomy Rabbah If you feel secured by not sharing knowledge, you surely are an insecured person and at the same time in doubt of your capabilities. Many have tired to preach us....let's learn before it's too late. 'Share your knowledge. It’s a way to achieve immortality.' - The Dalai Lama

Kind People - Version I & II

From the huge bunch of people we know and interact with, we come across few kind ones. These people do good things, help others and are ready to volunteer. They are selfless most of the time. How closely can you associate yourself with this lot of Kind People (version 1)? You must have definitely volunteered or helped someone at some point of time or come across one. We also have version II - Kind People . When observed closely you will find a few typical ones in this version. They are subjective or relative in their act of kindness. In most scenarios they help others as per their convenience and wish. They take the onus to decide for you – what is wrong or right? To the world they are kind but, on the contrary they are imposing kindness which the receiver is unable to reject. Distinctive feature of these guys is that they care-less of the associated impact that their act of kindness has. Emotions, commitment, freedom, dependency, involvement are few of the many intangibl...

Second Chance

Second chance is a beginning. Sounds strange? Let’s go back in time. When did you realise that you had missed a golden opportunity? When you had already missed it? We tend to say, “I should had”, “that was the right time”, “I missed it” etc, etc. If you have ever said it, remember my friend that, while you regret you are at the verge of missing the second chance, if appropriate action is not taken. The very fact of ‘realising’, in itself is an opportunity to make good the loss. Realization is essential and it precedes actions. Let’s go back to the first opportunity. You couldn’t grab it for some reason; you missed it and had to face some loss. Correct? Of course yes or else you wouldn’t have bothered to think about it. So what’s gone with time will not return; essentially in the same form. It is wise not to expect – the ditto; but to encash the second chance. In our day-to-day routine you may not have exercised last week. Does that stop you from exercising next week? ...


When you hear the word 'touch' .....what is the first thing that comes to your mind?  Note it, and for awhile keep that thought aside. 1. The most frequent word that is associated with touch these days is.... touch screen phones.  We are bombarded with ads on television, hoarding, fact every mode of communication that features them. You are definitely a gadget freak if you thought of phones. 2. Touching feet of idols, cows, elders or gurus. Shows your inclined towards religion and culture. 3. Touch to express feelings. Very strong and effective mode of communication. Warm hug from a loved one....most comforting. 4. Touch to thrash someone! Not many of us would associate the word touch with, for sure... A word is capable of giving birth to numerous thoughts? Words are conceived in our minds to become thoughts.Every second....without fail. These thoughts can either be constructive or destructive. Our choice makes a huge difference. Mind your th...

New Generation ...Paro!

Paro is a therapeutic robot baby harp seal. It is very cute and is designed to have a calming effect and elicit emotional responses in patients. The cost of this robot is little more than Rs. 3.5 lakhs. Wondering why I mentioned about Paro? Because, you may consider investmenting in Paro, it can also be of immediate relief. In case you have aligning parents and you and your family is unable to spend quality time, Paro will be of great help. (Paro will also help elevate your social status - high-end technology @ Rs. 3.5 lakhs. Tweets and FB shall surely propogate it across the long friends list). Post clicks with Paro and aligning parents you can go back to your busy routine.  Do think from investment point of view as well....because you might have to practice what you are (unknowlingly) preaching.  

Ignorance is bliss, it...truly is!

Early this week in morning before settling at work I thought of having a chocolate. Quickly I grabbed my purse and picked one of my favourites from a small pan shop right outside my office compound. Work was usual and at good pace. Some important emails were sent with regards to an event. Some disappointments and some chit chat got me to the end of the day at work.  Boarded western local till Dadar. Usual faces around and a couple of new had filled the compartment. From Dadar western line I have to change to central line to reach home. Here too I came across known faces (TC, vendors on the footover bridge) while rest of the world rushed from one end to the other. Met a friend at the central line after a long time. Discussed about the younger generation and some comments on life and people, got me faster than usual to my station.  The area I live in is like a village where you come across known faces most of the time. Today, unfortunately the autowala wasn't an known f...

Distorted Shadows

As a child, the world around me was perfect, with perfect shadows. Wonder whether I was wrong or innocent...but those were my good old days. Today, when I see people shinning bright in life, they look good. But, their shadows don't match them. They are distorted. What they say, the way they act, the ethics they follow, and their sense of connection with others, all are self-centric. Hence, their shadows are distorted. The times of individuals with hallo are long gone. Hope to come across shadows that aren't distorted.


Love is liking towards a person, creature, or thing that grows multifold for no specific reason when you come across that person, creature, or thing.   - im The feeling of being in love is good and it's best to first fall in love with....yourself!  Take care.

What you want?

In our busy metro schedule we all are well aware want we want. Our wants are numerous, they are based on different categories: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quaterly, Annually. This is the most simplified way of looking at our wants. We want pay hike annually, vacation half yearly, grocery monthly so on and so forth. We strive to achieve it...and we want the best. Strange, but I have come across a 'Want,' which people are seeking for desperately. This group is looking out for listeners. A companion, a friend who can listen to them, understand their feelings, emotions. In our busy lifestyle we fail to find one, no matter how many frds we have on Facebook or how often we are busy texting on whatsapp...we don't find a good listener when we want him/her the most. Think about it!