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What’s underneath?

 What’s underneath is responsible for the well-being of you and me, of every being on this planet. Home to more than 1/4 th of our planet’s biodiversity, just 3 inches of soil holds 13 quadrillion living organisms. There are more organisms in one gram of healthy soils than there are people on earth. Life beneath is the reason for life above. Soil micro-organisms are used to make almost all antibiotics that fight infections. We live, we heal, and we die and become one. Soil - home to all. Care for it now! If she can’t survive, we won’t. Keep soil alive, take action to protect soil. More info here #SoilBiodiversity #WorldSoilDay

DUE RESPECT... is about woman and her basic right, which few me n& women deny to acknowledge. A conversational poem between, him & her

Sad she is abused; sad she is raped, Sad she is wanted; she is gang-raped. A mother, a sister, or a daughter, Taken for granted, her self-esteem slaughtered. What can she do, where will she go, Helpless and shameful she will have to let go. Deep is the pain, deeper is the agony, Breaking news is flashed, what a tragedy. She is just being her, problem is your mindset, Change your thoughts, her world will reset. She needs no support, she needs no empowerment, With respect, you treat her, at least make an ATTEMPT.

Evening by a Stream

  I sit by a quite stream on a nice evening; Steady breeze and birds chirping. I breathe the air, so light and fresh; My doubts and worries come to a rest. I see clear - sky's reflection; I feel the love and your affection. I close my eyes, I drop a tear; In you oh stream my pain disappears. I sit by a quiet stream on a nice evening; As the sun sets, I make a new beginning.                                                                     - I M Dalvi Image courtesy


Yes! I am making a bold statement. It’s not easy. During the lockdown, when the world was suffering, nations prepared to face the catastrophe and mankind fought against the invisible, lethal enemy, we at individual-level got an opportunity. An opportunity to extend help, an opportunity to introspect, an opportunity to redefine our lives, an opportunity to weigh the importance of tangible Vs intangibles, an opportunity to improvise, an opportunity to confess. Well, on one of those days of mass suffering, I was preparing evening tea. The cyclonic wind made its way through the window, to the burning stove, and hit me before quickly disappearing. I continued with preparing tea. Added one, two, three, four, five, six teaspoons of sugar.  The sixth teaspoon screamed at me, “You are a cheater”.  During the pandemic, health has become a primary concern to me and I am sure to you too. I am aware that sugar adversely affects our immune system. So, I was added the r...
YOGA #COIVD-19 has given each one of us an opportunity to understand and practice #yoga. If you are interested in learning yoga you should start with reading Patanjali Yog Sutra .  You should know that Yoga is beyond Asanas , it is a way of life.  Take a deeper dive and explore what Yoga is. To know more about Patanjali Yog Sutra visit: To have a look at the  online celebration of the 6th annual International Yoga Day 2020 Click here   Remember,  late B. K. S. Iyengar  said,  “Yoga cultivates the ways of maintaining a balanced attitude in day-to-day life and endows skill in the performance of one’s actions.”

World Environment Day 2020

#TimeForNature Please share awareness to Protect BioDiversity

Let's Fly

    Every morning while I sip tea, I watch the birds fly. Birds – black, white, brown, blue & green spread their wings to glide from one end to another, occasionally flapping their wings & maneuvering. In the evening they return to their nest in flocks as the sun is about to set. Birds – small & big, they fly. A source of inspiration and fascination.   'Let’s Fly in the Open Sky'   Let’s fly like a bird as per our capacities. Let’s not be afraid of heights & falls. Let’s comprehend that some migrate and rest reside. Let’s sing the music of life. Let’s flock together. Let’s fly in the open sky.


1. Thoughts on paper What's killing? Lockdown or COVID-19?

Migrants in India

The world has come to a state of nowhere, almost. Somebody, somewhere triggered the spread of the deadly virus which is growing and eliminating mankind. The catastrophe has highlighted the state of migrants in India and world-over. In India migrants travel 100s of kilometres on foot to find a job that fulfils their basic need – food. They move as per the season – tourist season, construction, monsoon…..and so on. They keep moving. Unfortunately in spite of regular interstate movement, they are hand to mouth. In this world of poor & plenty, they move from one destination to another. So, while they walk 200, 300 kms on a regular basis their food, shelter and rest is taken care at Dhabaas , definitely not for free. They earn their roti by working at the Dhaabas . No work, no income, so as the tradition goes they want to move to a new destination.  This time it is called ‘home’. To return home is their only wish during COVID-19. As we know during normalcy ...

Easy & Effective Storing of Vegetables & Milk during Lockdown

#CoronaVirus has changed the way the entire world functions. We are compelled to stay at home to fight the pandemic. #Covid19 is the primary challenge we all are facing today. But, there are many secondary challenges too like....storing of vegetables and milk. Fig.1 Milk in Slice Bottle - 1.2 L MILK : Essential food item to many esp. kids. One way to store milk is to place it in the freezer and use it as per the requirement. But, we might not have enough space in the freezer during difficult times (lockdown). A better and easy way to store milk in beverage bottles. Bottles can be stored vertically and at the same time can be stacked one above the other. this hack not only creates more space in the refrigerator but also makes it easy to use. LEMON : A rich source of vitamin C, the immunity booster. Lemons are best stored in a plastic airtight bag. To ensure that every lemon has extended shelf-life, pack them individually in airtight bags. Zip locks may not be available with yo...